Wednesday, July 28, 2010

plans for the future... (and more sky pictures)

___Because, to me high school has always been about planning for the future. Everything I did and didn't do in high school was all because I felt like I was training myself for the future to come. After graduation, that was the time I knew I had to patiently wait for. And, since I'm still waiting for college to begin, I thought I'd share with you-all my plans for the future. Because I'm still young, slightly idealistic, and as the next chapter in my life begins, I've got a million dreams running around in my head. So here's a list of what I want to do:
1. Be fluent in Mandarin and Spanish
I'm majoring in Spanish in college & I'm studying Mandarin on my own.
2. Study abroad in Spain & London.
Because I'm also majoring in English....
3. Intern for an Asian entertainment company.
Because I would love to work for one some day...
4. Graduate as best as I can
All-American, Phi Beta Kappa, etc. I know, I know, but it's a dream!
5. Get a job at...
A public relations company in NYC, San Fran, or in an Asian entertainment company (like SM Entertainment, HIM International Music, etc)
6. Fall in love
Of course, I'm not a heartless, workaholic soul!
7. Retire in my thirties
To become a full time novelist and raise a family.
___Ending it with 7, because 7 has always been my favorite number. I hope you enjoy getting a peek into my crazy, high-flying dreams! I just hope I can make at least some of them come true!
What are you dreams for the future?


  1. I really loved reading all your plans for the future! Mine are constantly changing and I've learned that it's easier on me if I have shorter-term goals, because I really don't know where I'll be in the future! So my short-term goals are...
    - get my diploma in piano performance
    - learn how to drive (!)
    - get a job as a music teacher in a primary school
    - get married (to my ever-patient boyfriend, who wanted to marry me four years ago :P)


  2. Get my degree in piano performance (like Leia) and my degree in English
    I already fell in love, and right now we have a very Jane Eyreish relationship so I'd like that to be fixed.
    Learn Mandarin fluently (I'm Chinese)

    I haven't really figured out what to do after I graduate. I'll figure it out from there.

  3. Such great dreams! I know you can achieve them all! For now mine are:
    Fall in love
    Land my dream job at Vogue
    be happy
    get all the clothes I want ;)

  4. 7 is the perfect number! And I can't wait to see you achieving your dreams one by one!!

    Mine would be to:
    Stay in love
    Have the perfect wedding
    Build a happy nest with my husband to be
    Own a lil boutique
    Travel the world
    Have the cutest babies

    Pretty realistic huh? hehe, let's hope our dreams come true:)


  5. Thank you for cheering me up. Your goals are set and you seem to have a pretty clear idea of what you want in the future. I really hope all of these dreams come true.
    It would be hard to think about 7 things now when I have mixed up feelings about where I am heading to , but what I know is that I want to stay true to myself no matter what and always have the freedom to express myself.

  6. Gorgeous photos!
    Yay for falling in love!


  7. I can totally high school I always felt the pressure of the future on me!!! Making this list is a great way to lay out your dreams and start tackling them!!!!

    I dream that one day I can design jewelry full time :)

  8. I love the photos and I love your plans for the future...I hope you're successful!

    Retiring in one's 30s sounds nice. I've always wanted to go into business for myself, hopefully I will someday!

  9. Love those plans!! I think I may add a few to my own!! Just found your blog!! Love it - I'm your newest follower!!


  10. Great post! The list is wonderful. It's always great to sit down and write down your goals. And those photos are dreamy too! :)

  11. Just stumbled across your blog! so glad to have found it - we share a lot of similar dreams!

    I'm chinese but sadly not fluent in mandarin, so I'd like to get that down (taking classes next year). I'm passionate about studying abroad and just spent the past year in France as an exchange student, actually. Next year I plan on taking Spanish and hopefullly taking a gap year to a spanish speakingcountry - would love to get fluent in Spanish, such a beautiful language!

    OH and working for PR sounds fabulous too!!

    Following you now!! ;)

  12. You want to speak spanish! that is so cute. I think you should first learn portugueese because it's easier (I think)

  13. I work PR in NYC, get in touch with me if you want any tips on making that dream a reality!!!

  14. Don't join a sorority, just saying. But seriously, just don't. It's better to be a non sorority type of girl.

    Sounds like some wonderful dreams.
    I'm starting my second year of university. I want to get awesome grades, a good internship next summer, get amazing on my LSATS and get into my dream law school.

    Then go to Paris, wear black, big hats, shop at Chanel and drink espresso's and then dance the night away.

  15. I like your dreams - but its not really "retiring" at 30 if you start a new career you love - its just the next chapter (-: Good for you!

  16. Gah! I'm obsessed with six and seven - I want those to be a part of my future!! :P

  17. Such pretty sky photos! And that would be amazing to retire in the 30s :)

  18. You sound like a true language buff. Amazing. I hope your dreams come true! (Personally I feel a bit confused about my dreams these days, but that's quite nice, too.) xo

  19. Just wanted to let you know, I answered your question in my blog today!

  20. I'd love to travel more - visit countries that I haven't been to and of course re-visit countries that I have been to =D

  21. I have so many dreams! Work for a fashion magazine, write a journal, travel Western Europe...
    xo Josie

  22. I love the practicality of your dreams and their relevance! It's not just like "become Korean drama star" or somethin. I def want to study abroad in Europe too! And interning for an entertainment company is rockin! :) I think we are in similar in many ways! xD I used to know a girl who's dad was a manager-ish for SM Entertainment. And she always got free stuff and met Lee Hyo Ri and such. xD Maybe that will be you! :)

  23. i wish im fluent in mandarin too !
    and i want to have a stable career with a stable income (preferably in the fashion field of course)

    ps. did u get my email reply regarding the online shop thing ?

  24. I majored in English too!! I also want to have PR job in New York! It sounds like we have a lot in common!! xxxoxoxooo
