Tuesday, June 29, 2010

the ballerina

___Time for another interview! Remember how I have really awesome friends who are insanely talented/smart/amazing? You've met the baker and the designer, so now I'd like to introduce you to the dancer. Ballerina to be more specific. Because we all love those gorgeous pictures of graceful ballet dancers, and the idea of the flowing fabrics and satiny, delicate shoes. My friend, Chelsea, has been dancing ballet since she was teeny, tiny, and now that she (like me) is graduating and going off to college (a quite prestigious one at that!), she knows all to well what really goes on behind those tutus and point shoes.
What is your favorite thing about ballet?
___My favorite thing about ballet is when I dance and I can really feel the flow of the music with what I'm dancing. Also, I love when the hard work pays off and all the steps go perfectly. I loveeee turns :) pirouettes and pique turns are my favorite haha
What's your least favorite thing about dancing?
___My least favorite thing is probably all the drama. It came to a point that I almost didn't want to dance anymore.. I was close to quitting one time, and it really killed me because I used to love it so much. It's a lot of politics and craziness and that's all I have to say about that!!
Your favorite moment since you started?
___My favorite moment was probably when I was dancing as a demi-soloist in the Waltz of the Flowers in the Nutcracker. The past two years actually... with non-other than my best friend Meghan. It was a pretty excellent feeling.
The biggest misconception about dancing?
___Biggest misconception about dance I'd say is how hard it is. It takes sooo much practice to do things that might appear to be simple. People don't realize it until they try to do it themselves haha. Also, there are lots of injuries and pain in general haha. Like Miss Patty said in "Gilmore Girls,"
Miss Patty: Nothing ever happens. Oh, except for that one time.
Luke: What one time?
Miss Patty: Well I took my senior ballerinas to try out for "The Nutcracker", and one of the girls pulled a Tonya Harding and knocked the front runner for Clara out of the competition. Broke her leg in three places.
Luke: That's not nothing. That is the opposite of nothing.
Miss Patty: It's totally different. It's a much rougher crowd.
Luke: Rougher crowd? They're ballerinas.
Miss Patty: Oh yeah, I know. Everyone thinks "Ballerinas-so sweet, so fragile." Trust me they're dancing on stress fractures and ingrown toenails, and they haven't eaten in weeks.
___Minus the part about not eating, that is very accurate. People with bruised, in-grown, or just plain losing toenails is NOT uncommon. It's gross. And ankle and knee issues... it's a real pain. I've always been relatively lucky but some of my friends haven't.
What lessons have you learned from ballet?
___I have learned that sometimes when you work your hardest it isn't enough. Dance, like many other industries, is not clear cut and the politics often rule over talent or passion. Favoritism played a large role in my time dancing and it was at times extremely frustrating. However, I still stayed true to myself and worked hard. In the end, I think my love for dance has survived all the obstacles that have tested it.


  1. I love your honest account of your fabulous friend. I'm in awe of all dancers and think that dancing must be the discipline where the words 'it takes a lot of hard work to make something look effortless' apply most.

  2. Fabulous interview and pics!
    I too am in awe of your friend!


  3. As a former dancer, I have to admit that a lot of it is very true, sad, but true. Still, I never regretted spending all those years studying dance/dancing, it was a wonderful time and helped me a lot in life

  4. great blog, and good interview !

    xoxo, Cassie <3

  5. i dreamed of being a ballet dancer when i was a kid.

  6. Fantastic interview. My mom was a dancer for 24 yrs and now she is a ballet teacher. So ballet has always been a big part of my life

  7. I think every girl dreams of being a ballerina-how lucky that she is actually one!

  8. Wow, I love that interview, especially because she quotes gilmore girls. Being a ballerina sounds tough,

  9. I love that you profile your friends -- how sweet of you! And she is gorgeous... So graceful.
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment! Yours is lovely; I can't wait for more!
    xo Josie

  10. this is so cute, showcasing your friends:)
    also i love your header! did you take the photo yourself?

    xoxo merissa

  11. I did ballet when I was 7 years old but stopped dancing because my Dad made me stop dancing due to health problems. Your friend looks so graceful and beautiful. Good thing that your friend didn't give up dancing. This is a lovely interview. I hope you do more. :)

    Lots of love,

  12. LOVE ballet
    Thank you so much for your adorable comment, you're soo lovely.
    Keep following,
    Love, johanna

  13. Gorgeous interview. I danced for 15yrs and it reminds me of so many memories. Thanks for sharing & hope you have a lovely week xx

  14. Great post, but I know I could never hack ballet lol!

    Thanks for stopping by again xx

  15. Loved this! It was so nice to read about a behind the scenes experience! I'd like to know how they all stay so slim though. I used to think they were naturally petite and small-boned and all the exercise kept them slim, but then I stayed at someone's house and she had all these notes everywhere about "ballerina diets" and how it was important not to go over a certain weight etc. So I know that would be very stressful for me!

  16. I may say this is an awesome interview..
    IMO, not only ballet, but all subjects hv to be practiced more and more for a natural masterpiece.. Even for they who hv mastered it.
    Great! ^^


  17. I ever tried to stand with ballerina posed...my feet is hurt! hehe ;p
    but I like ballet...nice!


  18. hello dear, sorry for late reply. and i love ballet, but i ever tried :P
    love you dress on previous post.

  19. Aww I wish I could do ballet . Haha . Lovely interview ! :)

  20. gorgeous interview! I love the photos too.
    I had to learn some ballet for my musical...so I know the pain! :D


  21. Thanks for the comment! Hope you can enjoy the summer :).


  22. Love ballet - wish I was good at it but its beautiful to watch!

  23. Wow what a cool interview! I love you both for the GG comment :)

    I have to say that dance is hard! I only did it for 3 months (for school) and I loved it but it really is hard. It is nice to see people doing what they love, she looks adorable and talented :)

  24. Your profiles/interviews with your friends are one of my absolute favorite things about this blog. I'm truly not surprised that there is a lot of drama involved with dancing - it's such a competitive activity. :)

  25. I used to dance ballet for many years and could definitely relate to the misconception :) It used to really bother me. Incredible interview! Sounds like you have a very talented and beautiful circle of friends


  26. I've only seen one ballet in my life. It was lovely, a chldren's ballet that used both students (children) and professionals.
    I don't know much about it, though...

  27. Great interview! I definitely learned a few things about dancing!

  28. great dance show nice post it looks really cool love this stuff

  29. Ballet is so beautiful and elegant. Great post! I really enjoyed reading the interview.

  30. ballet is one of the most beautiful dances out there . i pretty much love all sorts of dances.. i think they're all beautiful on their own..

  31. What a lovely girl!! I've always wanted to be a ballet dance and I think they're one of the elegant dancers in the world!! I admire dancers because I know how hard they work to perfect their moves! xoxoxoxoxoo

  32. come! let us follow one another...you dance and i'll watch (until beyonce strikes up all the single ladies then look out!!)

    i'm your newest follower - hope you might consider the same dancing girl :)

  33. Wonderful interview, and lovely pictures!

  34. awe, makes me miss dance dearly! I did it all of high school :) your dress below looks a little ballet inspired too !

  35. Great interview! I've never tried ballet or any form of dance, but it's certainly interesting to read about your friend's experience. :)

  36. i like it...great interview...
    kiss from Milan
    Nicola freshONpr

  37. Good for her for sticking with it! I have always loved ballet, I tried it when I was young but unfortunately did not keep up with it. :)

  38. so lovely and great interview! keep sharing to us :)

  39. super lovely interview :) that first image is so adorable! i did ballet when i was younger & i really loved it, although i had to quit because life was getting so busy. . . perhaps i could go back one day, i guess it's not too late!
